Current availability

Parkade Parking EV
Parkade Parking EV
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Tips for Saving!

1. Commuters are encouraged to use Honk Mobile to pay only $2 / hour from 6am - 6pm at select locations and a $20 all-day rate at parkades. For quick and easy payment, you can simply tap your phone on any of the Honk Mobile signs for immediate payment. Download the Honk Mobile app

2. All students, faculty and staff are encouraged to login to their Parking account using their Campus-Wide-Login and view the available parking options, prior to commuting to UBC.

3. Thunderbird Parkade's roof-level parking costs a flat rate of $10 a day. 

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Staff Access Services

Sign into the Key Desk System, request building access keys, fill out a third party pick-up form and make an archive request.

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Contact Us

Give us a call at 604.822.6786 or email us at View our contact page to contact a specific person.